Textual Thresholds in Abduh Khal’s Novels


  • Yasser Bin Turki Al Madaith




Textual thresholds, Semiotic approach, Saudi novel, Visual techniques


This study aims to investigate the textual thresholds in Abduh Khal’s novels. For the purpose of identifying and analyzing meaning in both surface and deep structures, the semiotic approach was employed. The study is divided into an introduction, two sections, and a conclusion. The introduction reviewed the concept of textual thresholds. Section one dealt with external thresholds such as titles, covers, and images. Section two discussed internal thresholds, including dedications, prefaces, and introductory texts. The study revealed that Abduh Khal's textual thresholds formed a network of visual and artistic techniques coupled with aesthetic language, immersing his works receptors into the world of the narrative text. These thresholds included title diverse structures, careful selection of words, and their rhythmic compositions, making it more reader-friendly and memorable. Novel covers, which carry symbolic and suggestive connotations, came in harmony with the novel titles, closely interconnected with the content of the text through repetition or communicating and summarizing its essence. The dedications served as informational and humanistic icons, while the introductory texts varied in their functional, descriptive, emotional, and informative roles.


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How to Cite

Al Madaith, Y. B. T. . (2023). Textual Thresholds in Abduh Khal’s Novels. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 5(3), 480–525. https://doi.org/10.53286/arts.v5i3.1572



Literature and Criticism