The Biographical Shift in Al-Suraihi’s Life Outside Parentheses


  • Abdulhameed Al-Husami



Autobiography, Biographical Shift, Thresholds, The Concept of Mind, The Authority of Reality



The research aims to investigate the features of the biographical shift in Al-Suraihi’s Life Outside Parentheses and how this biography was able to present what is different in biographical writing, in an effort to highlight a biographical text that would disrupt the fixed concepts in biographical writing, and to enrich the biographical writing scene with capabilities able to develop biographical writing and give it new horizons in work.  The study sought to achieve its goal through an introduction and a number of axes, the most prominent of which are: thresholds and writing shifts; the relationship between the biography and the life journey; Al-Suraihi's reception of his biographical work; writing from the balcony of the future; shattering the concept of time; unraveling the concept of the mind; destroying the authority of reality and breaking down the boundaries of biographical naturalization. The research reached a number of results, the most important of which are: Life Outside Parentheses was able to present a writing practice that belongs to biographical writing, and at the same time departs from it. This prepared it to present a biographical experiment that would achieve an important shift in biographical writing.


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How to Cite

Al-Husami, A. . (2023). The Biographical Shift in Al-Suraihi’s Life Outside Parentheses. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 5(4), 334–372.



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