A Study of Linguistic Thought in Ibn Khaldun's Work
Linguistics, Language Authority, Sociolinguistics, Linguistic Thought, Linguistic PlanningAbstract
This research explores Ibn Khaldun's linguistic thought, examining his understanding of linguistics and identifying the key tools he considered essential for language acquisition. The study also delves into Ibn Khaldun's social and educational perspectives on language. The research is organized into an introduction, two sections, and a conclusion. The first section focuses on Ibn Khaldun's concept of linguistics and its tools, while the second section addresses his social and educational linguistic studies. The conclusion summarizes the research findings, highlighting several key points: Ibn Khaldun's concept of language aligns in many ways with that of modern Western linguists. He viewed auditory perception as foundational to cognitive faculties, a notion supported by contemporary linguistic realities and medical research. Additionally, Ibn Khaldun's sociolinguistic studies represented a significant advancement in the field. He argued that effective social linguistic planning and language policy are rooted in the strength and authority of language. Furthermore, his educational approaches to language learning are in line with the views of modern educational theorists.
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