Prosodic and Rhyme Irregularities in the Poetry of Elia Abu Madi: A Stylistic Study
Prosody, Poetic Necessity, Poetry Defects, RhymeAbstract
This research investigates the prosodic and rhymic irregularities in the poetry of Elia Abu Madi, aiming to identify and analyze the deviations in meter and rhyme. It explores whether these irregularities indicate a lack of technical skill or reflect the poet’s deliberate attempt to achieve rhythmic diversity and innovate in his use of meter and rhyme. The study systematically examines this phenomenon across three dimensions: prosody, rhyme, and impermissible poetic necessities. The research is structured into an introduction, a preface, and two main sections. The first section, “Meter and Rhyme in the Poetry of Elia Abu Madi,” discusses the nature of his metrical and rhymic patterns, supported by comprehensive statistical analysis of his entire poetic corpus. The second section, “Irregularities of Meter and Rhyme,” categorizes and examines the types of prosodic and rhymic irregularities, addressing Taha Hussein's observation regarding Abu Madi's disregard for strict metrical and rhymic forms. The findings confirm the prevalence of these Irregularities across all three dimensions and suggest that the poet prioritized clarity of meaning over adherence to traditional metrical and rhymic conventions.
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