Machine Translation Computational Linguistic Problems in the Pronoun, the Relative, and the Grammatical Tense


  • Yahya Bin Ahmed Abdullah Al-Lateeni



Pronoun, Relative pronoun, Grammatical tense, Natural Language Processing, Parallel corpus


In this research, I dealt with the subject of machine translation from two sides, the first is linguistic and the second is computational in natural language processing (NLP) in three issues with certain problems: the pronoun, the relative pronoun,  and the grammatical tense of verbs and derivatives. The aim of the research is to clarify the linguistic difference between Arabic and English in these issues, in particular, and then build parallel corpus blogs for those problems in the two languages ​​based on Python, which is one of the most important programming languages ​​in natural language processing. The research has been divided into an introduction, a preface, and three sections: the first is issues in the pronoun, the second is issues in the relative, and the third is issues in the grammatical tense. The research concluded by revealing these problems and representing them from the two languages, ​​and building parallel corpus for each topic taking into account the availability of examples on each of those issues.


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How to Cite

Al-Lateeni, Y. B. A. A. . (2022). Machine Translation Computational Linguistic Problems in the Pronoun, the Relative, and the Grammatical Tense. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 1(13), 62–82.


