The Political Role of Judges in Makkah during the Era of the Circassian Mamluke State (784-923 AH / 1383-1517 AD)


  • Bandar Bin Abdullah Mutlq Al-Mutlq



Political role, Judges, Circassian Mamluke, Makkah


The research presents a historical study on the political role played by judges in Makkah during the Circassian Mamluke State (784-923 AH) by tracing the history of the development of the judiciary in the Islamic era and then in the era of the Mamluke State. The research included a preface, two sections, and a conclusion. The first section dealt with the position of the judge in the Mamluke era, and the second section dealt with the political role of judges in Makkah. We have found that the judges played many political roles among them were the role of ambassadors to Egypt, the role of political reconciliation between fighting parties over the ruling of Makkah, the role of converging views between the Sultan of Mamluke and the Sharif of Makkah, the role of receiving delegations coming to Makkah from Egypt, and the role of participating in the appointment of a ruler, or urging people to incline to a certain sharif of Makkah. DOI: 10.35696/1915-000-023-014


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How to Cite

Al-Mutlq, B. B. A. M. . (2022). The Political Role of Judges in Makkah during the Era of the Circassian Mamluke State (784-923 AH / 1383-1517 AD). Journal of Arts, 1(23), 502–521.




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