Examples of prophetic Legislation in Protecting Children from Deviations


  • Dr. Abdul Wasea Mohammed Ghaleb Al-Ghashimy




Raising children, Hadiths of the Prophet, Morals of the Prophet, Adolescence


The research aims to clarify some of the Prophet's legislations that have an impact on protecting children from deviation. It is represented by the care of the Prophet, peace be upon him, in educating children, raising them, guiding them and having mercy on them, and emphasizing their rights.  He urged that we have to take care of orphans and sponsor them. He prompted parents and educators to take advantage of the prophetic approach in carrying out their noble mission in raising children. The research has concluded that it is necessary for parents and educators to pay attention to raising children and raising them according to the Islamic legislation so that they are good members of society, and to meet their needs of food, drink, treatment and various means of entertainment so that they do not become subject to deviation. Parents must treat their children well and deal with them in a spirit of compassion and mercy. Excessive severity and cruelty on the behavior of children makes them leave the house to be trapped with untruly hands, exploiting the phenomenon of emptiness among children, especially in adolescence, and occupying them with scientific programs and various activities.



How to Cite

Al-Ghashimy, D. A. W. M. G. . (2023). Examples of prophetic Legislation in Protecting Children from Deviations. Journal of the Faculty of Education, 3(5), 116–163. https://doi.org/10.60037/edu.v1i5.1028


