Predication Function of the Negation Article in the Arabic Sentence: Negation Context in Verbal Communication


  • Ahmed Mohamed Basharat



Negation Articles, Negation, Predication, Communication, Context


This study aims to examine the structure of "negation articles" in order to uncover their role as predicates. The study assumes that negation articles consist of two elements: a subject and a predicate. It argues that the predicate function is predominantly expressed within articles rather than verbs or nouns. Consequently, individuals use negation articles to introduce the predication function as a "stative verb," indicating their denial of a given situation. In certain contexts, recipients may even employ "two negation articles" instead of one. The research challenges the grammatical notion that restricts the predication function to basic components such as verbs, subjects, subjects of nominal sentences, and predicates, or to verb-like components like present participle, past participle, and active participle. The study comprises two main aspects: the first examines the perspective of grammarians regarding the role of negation articles, while the second proposes a novel understanding that supports the predication function of negation articles. The research concludes that predication serves as a communicative function utilized by both parties in a communication, without structural limitations. Furthermore, the "negation articles" specifically specify and nullify predication in the combinations that follow them.


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How to Cite

Basharat, A. M. . (2023). Predication Function of the Negation Article in the Arabic Sentence: Negation Context in Verbal Communication. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 5(2), 147–181.




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