Structure in the Story Collection "An Empty Car and a Single Passenger", By Abdelgawad Khefaji


  • Yasser Ahmed Hamed Marzouq



Narration, Short Story, Script, Saudi Literature


The objective of this study is to examine the narrative structure of Abdelgawad Khefaji's short story collection titled "An Empty Car and a Single Passenger" and analyze it using a structural approach. The research begins with an introduction that provides an overview of the subject, research problem, objectives, significance, methodology, plan, and a brief description of the story collection. The research is divided into two sections. The first section explores the elements of the narrative structure within the collection, including events, characters, time, and place. The second section focuses on the artistic methods and techniques employed in the stories, such as narration, script, language, and dialogue. The findings of the research highlight the presence of innovative artistic tools and techniques in the narrative structure, showcasing a modernized and experimental approach that moves beyond traditional storytelling. The stories are characterized by a poetic and accessible literary language, flowing smoothly and avoiding complexity and ambiguity. Notably, the storyteller emphasizes humanitarian and social issues, particularly those affecting marginalized and hardworking individuals in Upper Egypt and the Egyptian countryside.


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How to Cite

Marzouq, Y. A. H. . (2023). Structure in the Story Collection "An Empty Car and a Single Passenger", By Abdelgawad Khefaji. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 5(2), 597–628.



Literature and Criticism