Narrative Vision in Mohammed Ali Mohsen’s Novel Returnees


  • Adeeba Qaid Saleh Al-Buhairi



Narrative vision, Narrator, Narration, Multiple narrators


This study aims to identify   the narrator's presence and position within the narrative text in Mohammed Ali Mohsen’s novel Returnees and to uncover the embedded narrative vision within it. The study is organized into an introduction with the synopsis of the novel, a theoretical preface, and two sections.  The first section dealt with the issue of "The Narrator". The second section focused on "The Narrative Vision," followed by a conclusion. For the study purpose, the structural narrative approach was used. The study concluded  that Mohammed Ali Mohsen’s novel  Returnees  communicates ideas through  two different narrative voices: a narrator (co-narrator /intrinsic) in the narrative events (Jamal Saber), and a narrator (co-narrator/internal) with a different vision and position through which we receive the novel, depending on the positioning of these two voices and the nature of the narrative material. The narrator (participant) is situated within the fictional world and embodies the form of "narrative with" in his storytelling about himself (the self-actor) and about others (the internal actor).


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How to Cite

Al-Buhairi, A. Q. S. . (2023). Narrative Vision in Mohammed Ali Mohsen’s Novel Returnees . Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 5(3), 456–479.



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