The Media Discourse of the Thmanyah Platform in Light of Digital Rhetoric


  • Hanadi Mohammed Behairi



Digital Rhetoric, Electronic Text, Arabic Rhetoric, Thmanyah Digital Platform


The research aims to analyze the media discourse of the Thmanyah digital platform in light of Arabic digital rhetoric. It was divided into an introduction and three sections: the first reviews the nature of digital rhetoric in the West; the second discusses digital rhetoric in Arabs, and the third is an analysis of the Thmanyah platform in light of digital rhetoric. The research found that the Thmanyah media platform is capable of producing an influential digital media discourse in addressing the recipient. This is done by taking into account the intellectual and cultural reality of the segments of the target audience, the message to be conveyed, and the quality of the speech, whether it is visual, audio, read, or a combination of several technical media. Digital discourse has become a part of contemporary human life due to the control of electronic communication, which requires accompanying it with research into the nature of its own emerging rhetoric stemming from its formation based on various expressive methods that combine visual, audio, and movement. The application of the proposed attempt in digital rhetoric to the digital discourse of the Thmanyah platform, by focusing on the components of its structure represented by the image (logo), the shape of the fonts, the colors, the sound effects, and the method of photography, also demonstrated the extent of its applicability to other platforms.


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How to Cite

Behairi, H. M. (2024). The Media Discourse of the Thmanyah Platform in Light of Digital Rhetoric. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 6(1), 9–35.




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