Intertextuality with the Holy Quran in the Poetry of Marwan Al-Muzaini


  • Abdulhadi Bin Ibrahim Mois Al-Aufi



Intertextuality, the Holy Quran, Poets of Medina, Textual Interaction


This research explores the concept of intertextuality with the Holy Quran in the poetry of Marwan Al-Muzaini, a contemporary poet from Medina. The study focuses on the noticeable presence of Quranic intertextuality in his work and aims to analyze this phenomenon to uncover its various forms and the ways in which the poet utilizes them, employing intertextuality as the central method of analysis. The structure of the research is composed of an introduction, a preface, three main sections, a conclusion, and an index. The introduction provides an overview of the topic, its significance, previous studies, and outlines the research plan and methodology. The preface includes a brief introduction to the poet and a definition of intertextuality. The first section addresses quotational intertextuality, the second section discusses referential intertextuality, and the third section examines suggestive intertextuality. In the conclusion, the research summarizes its key findings, highlighting that the extensive intertextuality with the Quranic text throughout Al-Muzaini's poetry underscores the depth of his religious knowledge. Intertextuality with the Holy Quran emerges as a prominent feature in his poetry, and Al-Muzaini’s use of this technique spans across the three patterns identified by textual linguists: quotational, referential, and suggestive intertextuality. This demonstrates his ability to vary his intertextual style, balancing between clarity and subtlety depending on the subject matter and context.


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How to Cite

Al-Aufi, A. B. I. M. (2024). Intertextuality with the Holy Quran in the Poetry of Marwan Al-Muzaini. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 6(3), 75–96.




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