The Narrative Image in the Novel Jurma alTurjoman: A Study of the Narrator and the Manifestations of the Anxiety of Existence


  • Aminah Bint Abdurrahman Al-Jebreen



Narrative Image, Narrator, Anxiety of Existence, Novel, Fragmentation


This research entitled “The Narrative Image in the Novel Jurma alTurjoman: A Study of the Narrator and the Manifestations of Anxiety of Existence” provides a study on the narrator and the manifestations of the anxiety of existence in Jurma alTurjoman novel by the Saudi novelist Mohammed Hassan Elwan. It is a reading that goes beyond the traditional reading based on the traditional rhetorical image in the narrative context. From this point, this research seeks to trace the features of the images of "anxiety of existence" in the novel Jurma alTurjoman, which dominate all the details of the novel, starting with the language of regret, passing through the images of anxious nostalgia, and ending with the fragmented fictional space that refers to departure. To investigate the image of "anxiety of existence" in the novel Jurma alTurjoman, the study followed the descriptive analytical method. The research concluded that the narrative image, represented by the image of "anxiety of existence" in this study, performs a set of functions that can be explored through both the pragmatic and overall contexts of the text.


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How to Cite

Al-Jebreen, . A. B. A. . (2021). The Narrative Image in the Novel Jurma alTurjoman: A Study of the Narrator and the Manifestations of the Anxiety of Existence. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 1(10), 414–441.




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