Syntagmatic Function of Women’s Cultural Salons in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia A Cultural Approach
literary salons, Women's cultural salons, The curatorial function, A Cultural approachAbstract
This study aims to explore the voluntary women’s cultural entities in KSA. It aims at interrogating the data of such entities and meditating and comparing their contents, using the cultural approach. The research was divided into an introduction: defining the term salon, its establishment and priority. First section presents descriptive information about salons in KSA. The second section sheds light on the function of those cultural entities, starting with the name selection, the period, and the region of activities. It also discusses institution’s profession and specialization, its goals, funding resources, and headquarters. It discusses also whether documentary methods applied to generalize its permanence, and whether social media platforms are used in its generalization. The study revealed the importance of individual efforts governance, giving it the cooperative status, focusing on documentation and flexibility of these activities.
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