Problematic Concepts in Contemporary Thought: Terminological Concepts Describing Intercultural Communication Relations: Convergence and Divergence
Cultural commonality, Cultural Representation, Intercultural Exchange, Intercultural Overlap, Shared CultureAbstract
This research aims to conduct a reading of certain terminological concepts derived from the word “culture” which are used to describe communication relationships between different cultures. It highlights points of convergence and divergence by examining the subtle differences distinguishing some terminological concepts from one another, such as acculturation, intercultural exchange, cultural representation, shared culture, intercultural overlap, and shared cultural heritage. It also sought to provide examples of these concepts and their manifestations, particularly focusing on the terms “shared culture” exemplified by the cultural relations between Morocco and Latin America, and “intercultural overlap” exemplified by the Arab-Persian relations. The research is divided into an introduction and four sections: the first section covers shared culture; the second section discusses acculturation and intercultural exchange; the third section addresses intercultural overlap; and the fourth section covers cultural representation. The research concluded that there is a diversity and multiplicity of terms used to describe human cultural relations due to the fluidity of the word “culture” whose meaning evolves with human development over time.
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