Puzzle in the Poetry of Ahmed Muhammed Al-Shami An Objective Study


  • Abdulfattah Saleh Ahmed Baabbad




Ahmad Muhammad Al-Shami, Literary criticism, Puzzle, Symbolism


This research aims to study the puzzle in the poetry of Al-Shami and to know the symbolic and descriptive nature of the puzzle and other matters. The approach followed in this research is the objective one. In the preface, the poet's artistic and literary life was referred to. Then, a study of the concept of the puzzle, its synonyms, its origin, the reasons for its appearance, and its objectives is included. In the first section, the types, forms and images of the puzzle in Al-Shami poetry were identified; and in the second section, the most important characteristics, features and functions of the puzzle according to the poet is being studied. The most prominent results are that the puzzle is a method based on ambiguity and a demystification used by the poet mainly to draw readers attention to the importance of the subject described, making the listener thinks and contemplates. Most of poet’s used puzzles represented the types, forms and characteristics of the puzzle featuring the rhetorical images and beautifiers, and including a variety of expressions that make the text more ambiguous. However, the main function of the puzzle highlighted in the current research was revealing repressed matters in order to indicate the importance of it, as the poet may get harm while declaring it due to the lack of freedom of expression.


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How to Cite

Baabbad, . A. S. A. . (2021). Puzzle in the Poetry of Ahmed Muhammed Al-Shami An Objective Study. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, 1(11), 223–247. https://doi.org/10.53286/arts.v1i11.580




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