Goods International Sale Contracts Challenges in Saudi Arabia in Light of the Kingdom's Accession to the United Nations Convention on Contracts of International Sale of Goods (CISG)


  • Sultan Mohammed Abdullah Al-Shahrani



Sale contracts, International contracts, commercial challenges, international conventions


This study aims to explore the nature and characteristics of international sale contracts, define their essence, examine their advantages, disadvantages, and challenges, while elucidating the United Nations Convention governing these contracts. The study comprises an introduction, three sections, and conclusions. Section one discusses sale and international sale contracts. Section two focuses on the United Nations Convention for International Sale Contracts. Section three examines the challenges faced by international sale contracts under the United Nations Convention in Saudi Arabia. The study results showed that Article 78, which contradicts the provisions of Islamic law regarding the collection of interest and usury was a significant challenge facing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Additionally, language and cultural differences were observed to influence parties' comprehension of the contract's contents. It was concluded that lack of clear agreement on conformity of goods concept and the seller's delivery obligations  posed challenges. The study recommendations included the necessity of utilizing and familiarizing oneself with provisions of the United Nations Convention for International Sale Contracts, and establishing  accredited legal centers to better drafting of these contracts. 


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How to Cite

Al-Shahrani, S. M. A. (2024). Goods International Sale Contracts Challenges in Saudi Arabia in Light of the Kingdom’s Accession to the United Nations Convention on Contracts of International Sale of Goods (CISG). Journal of Arts, 12(2), 315–342.

