Assessing the Reality of Classroom and Non-classroom Activities Accompanying the Arabic language Courses from the Viewpoint of the Female Students of the Arabic Department in the College of Science and Humanities in Aflaj
Evaluation, Activities, Classroom Activities, Extracurricular Activities, EducationAbstract
The aim of this study is to assess the classroom and non-classroom activities accompanying the Arabic language courses from the viewpoint of the female students of the Arabic Department in the College of Science and Humanities in Aflaj. The descriptive approach in its analytical and statistical parts was used in order to achieve the objectives of this study. The study used an intentionally selected sample of 73 female students in the seventh and eighth levels. The statistical analysis revealed that the students’ opinions and the role of the teaching staff in classroom and non-classroom activities was very good in general. It also displayed the effect of a link of statistical significance between the scale of female students’ opinion about the activities and their grade point average (GPA). It was also shown that there was no significant statistical differences between the averages of students’ opinions towards classroom and non-classroom activities due to the cumulative average variable.Downloads
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