Contemplations with Muhammad Al-Banna in the Investigation of Natāʼij al-Fikar ‘the Results of Thought’ by al-Suhaylī


  • Ayedh Bin Mohammed Al-Qahtani



The reported noun, The subsequent noun, The nominative case of lawla, Positioning the predicate before the subject


This research makes four contemplations with what the researcher noticed in the investigation of The Results of Thought book. The researcher documented two sayings that al-Suhaylī attributed to Sibawayh, which the investigator failed to find, memorizing the origin that Al-Suhaili extracted as a saying and attributed to al-Khalil in Sibawayh’s book, trying to explain the intent of al-Suhaylī behind the phrase “the reported noun and the subsequent noun” that the investigator considered as a fault and corrected it in the body of the book. The research was divided into an introduction, a preface, and four claims. The first claim is about the reason for the nominative case in the present verb. The second claim is on the meaning of the Arabic preposition idh that comes to mean inn. The third claim is related to the saying that the nominative lawla is a subject. The fourth claim is about preventing al-Khalil from positioning the predicate before the subject. The research concluded that al-Suhaylī's phrase “the reported noun and the subsequent noun” is correct. Sibawayh's book includes what al-Suhaili attributed to Sibawayh and al-Khalil.


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How to Cite

Al-Qahtani, A. B. M. . (2022). Contemplations with Muhammad Al-Banna in the Investigation of Natāʼij al-Fikar ‘the Results of Thought’ by al-Suhaylī. Arts for Linguistic & Literary Studies, (14), 194–212.




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