An Evaluation Study of the Performance Level of Students with Learning Disabilities in General Aptitude Test According to Some Variables


  • Abdullah Bin Ali Al-Rubaian
  • Nouf Bint Fahd Al-Mutairi



General Aptitude Test, Learning disabilities, Students performance, General Education


The study aimed at identifying the performance level of students with learning disabilities in the general aptitude test and comparing it with the performance level of students in general education. The sample consisted of 176 students (85 students with learning disabilities and 91 students from general education in secondary schools offering learning disabilities programs in Riyadh). The comparative descriptive method was followed, using two questionnaires; one for students with learning disabilities and the other for students of general education. The results showed statistically significant differences between the hypothetical and actual means of the performance of the two groups of students in the general aptitude test in favor of the actual mean. There were also differences between the performance of two groups of students in the general aptitude test, in favor of general education students. Statistically significant differences also occurred between the performance of the two groups of students due to the school subjects in which students face learning difficulty. However, there was no statistically significant difference in the performance of students with learning disabilities in the general aptitude test due to gender difference, different type of difficulty in the test or their enrolment in the learning disabilities programs.


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How to Cite

Al-Rubaian, A. B. A. ., & Al-Mutairi, N. B. F. . (2022). An Evaluation Study of the Performance Level of Students with Learning Disabilities in General Aptitude Test According to Some Variables. Arts for Educational & Psychological Studies, 1(13), 111–150.



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