Strategic Renewal as a Key to Achieving Strategic Supremacy at the International Technology Institute in Ibb Governorate- Yemen


  • Nabil Ahmed Mohammed Al-Ofiri



Strategic renewal, Strategic supremacy, Sphere of influence, Competitive pressure, Competitive construction


The study aimed to identify the role of strategic renewal in achieving strategic supremacy of the International Technology Institute, Ibb governorate. The study used the descriptive survey method; and the study population consisted of (70) individuals, of which (56) members were selected by the stratified random sampling method. A questionnaire was administered to collect data, which was analyzed by the SPSS. The study concluded with several results, including: the level of practicing strategic renewal and strategic supremacy was high at the overall level of the tool; there was a strong positive correlation relationship between the independent variable (strategic renewal) and the dependent variable (strategic supremacy) at the overall level of the two variables; there was a strong positive correlation relationship between the dimensions of exploration and entrepreneurship, and strategic supremacy; and there was a strong positive correlation relationship between the strategic supremacy and the dimensions of leadership participation and investment of opportunities. . There was also an active and strong effective impact of strategic renewal on strategic supremacy at the overall level of the two variables.


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How to Cite

Al-Ofiri, N. A. M. . (2023). Strategic Renewal as a Key to Achieving Strategic Supremacy at the International Technology Institute in Ibb Governorate- Yemen. Arts for Educational & Psychological Studies, 5(3), 194–241.



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