Teaching Competencies and their Relationship to Professional Motivation Among Teachers of Learning Disabilities


  • Naif Bin Fahad Alfurayh
  • Moaath Bin Mohammed AlSuhaibani




Teaching competencies, Professional motivation, Motivation, Teachers of learning disabilities


This study aimed to identify the teaching competencies and their relationship to the professional motivation among the teachers of learning disabilities. Following the correlative descriptive method, the data for this study were collected using both a Scale of Teaching Competencies for Teachers of Learning Disabilities, prepared by the researchers, and Professional Motivation Scale for Teachers of Learning Disabilities. Both scales were administered to a sample of (108) teachers of learning disabilities (male and female) at Al-Qassim region. The results showed that the level of teaching competencies for teachers of learning disability was high, while the level of professional motivation of teachers of learning disability was very high. The results also indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in teaching competencies due to gender. On the other hand, results revealed that there were statistically significant differences in teaching competencies due to the years of experience in favor of more experienced participants. Moreover, the results indicated there were statistically significant differences in professional motivation due to gender and years of experience. In addition, there was a direct correlation, and a statistically significant relationship between teaching competencies and professional motivation among teachers of learning disabilities.

Author Biographies

Naif Bin Fahad Alfurayh

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Moaath Bin Mohammed AlSuhaibani

This study aimed to identify the teaching competencies and their relationship to the professional motivation among the teachers of learning disabilities. Following the correlative descriptive method, the data for this study were collected using both a Scale of Teaching Competencies for Teachers of Learning Disabilities, prepared by the researchers, and Professional Motivation Scale for Teachers of Learning Disabilities. Both scales were administered to a sample of (108) teachers of learning disabilities (male and female) at Al-Qassim region. The results showed that the level of teaching competencies for teachers of learning disability was high, while the level of professional motivation of teachers of learning disability was very high. The results also indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in teaching competencies due to gender. On the other hand, results revealed that there were statistically significant differences in teaching competencies due to the years of experience in favor of more experienced participants. Moreover, the results indicated there were statistically significant differences in professional motivation due to gender and years of experience. In addition, there was a direct correlation, and a statistically significant relationship between teaching competencies and professional motivation among teachers of learning disabilities.


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How to Cite

Alfurayh, N. B. F. ., & AlSuhaibani, M. B. M. . (2021). Teaching Competencies and their Relationship to Professional Motivation Among Teachers of Learning Disabilities . Arts for Educational & Psychological Studies, 1(12), 59–111. https://doi.org/10.53285/artsep.v1i12.789



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