Effectiveness of developing power endurance ability of physical elements for a running race of 400 m /h among students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Sana'a University


  • Ali Ali Nasser Al-Ashmali




Power endurance ability, 400 Meters hurdles, Speed power, Transition speed, Speed endurance


The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of power endurance exercises on special physical elements and the level of digital achievement for a running race of 400 m/h among students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Sana’a University. The experimental method was followed with a pre- and post-test scale conducted to one experimental group. The group consisted of (10) of the 400-meter hurdles runners from the second level students at the Faculty of Physical Education - Sana’a University during the 2018/2019 academic year The proposed training program was applied to the selected sample, which represented the entire study population, and the following statistical procedures were used: (arithmetic mean - standard deviation - skew coefficient - significance of differences between means - correlation coefficient).The study results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the results of the pre-test and the post-test in regard to the research variables and in favor of the post-test.


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How to Cite

Al-Ashmali, A. A. N. . (2021). Effectiveness of developing power endurance ability of physical elements for a running race of 400 m /h among students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Sana’a University. Arts for Educational & Psychological Studies, 1(12), 160–180. https://doi.org/10.53285/artsep.v1i12.792



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