Level of Scientific Thinking Skills Among Second Intermediate Grade Students from the Perspective of Science Teachers


  • Saeed Mohammed Salem Aal Talhan




Thinking Skills, Scientific Thinking, Public Schools, Private Schools, School Environment


The study aimed to investigate the reality of scientific critical thinking skills among second intermediate grade students in Khamis Mushait and identify the challenges they face in acquiring such skills. The descriptive methodology was employed. A questionnaire, administered to a sample of 40 teachers from both public and private schools, was used as the data collection tool. The study key findings showed that the overall level of scientific thinking skills among second intermediate grade students in Khamis Mushait was low, with a mean score of 2.35 and a standard deviation of 0.16. In terms of specific domains, scientific communication (domain 5) ranked first, albeit at a low level, while classification skill (domain 4) ranked last. Furthermore, the study revealed that the overall challenges facing second intermediate grade students in acquiring scientific thinking skills were very high, with a mean score of 4.42 and a standard deviation of 0.40. Among the specific domains, challenges related to the school environment (domain 3) ranked first with a very high level, while challenges related to the teacher (domain 2) ranked last.


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How to Cite

Aal Talhan, S. M. S. (2024). Level of Scientific Thinking Skills Among Second Intermediate Grade Students from the Perspective of Science Teachers. Journal of Arts, 12(3), 135–171. https://doi.org/10.35696/arts.v12i3.2095




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