The Role of YouTube Channels in Supporting Learning Activities among Saudi High School Students during Distance Learning: A Survey of a Sample of Mecca Schools


  • Wadee Mohammed Al-Azazi
  • Emad Al-Ddin Hassan Maghribi



YouTube channels, Learning activities, Saudi students, Distance learning


The current research aims to identify the role of YouTube as a social media platform in supporting learning activities among Saudi high school students during distance learning. The overall structure of the research takes the form of four sections: introduction, method, theoretical background, and discussion of results. The research has revealed four important findings. First, an increase in the use of YouTube among Saudi high school students at a rate of 75%. Second, entertainment was at the top of the reasons for students’ access to YouTube channels and content exposure, followed by reasons related to learning and skills development. Third, an increase in the rate of YouTube use for learning purposes to 75.3%. Fourth, the use of YouTube in searching for explanations of learning materials reached higher rate over that of searching for information (91.17% vs. 70.33 %).


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How to Cite

Al-Azazi, W. M. ., & Maghribi, E. A.-D. H. . (2022). The Role of YouTube Channels in Supporting Learning Activities among Saudi High School Students during Distance Learning: A Survey of a Sample of Mecca Schools. Journal of Arts, 1(22), 460–490.




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