The Use of Language and Movement in the Poetry of Mohammed Jabr Al-Harbi
Language Usage, Movement Incorporation, Poetic Imagery, Linguistic ActionsAbstract
This study examines the function of kinetic imagery in the poetry of Mohammed Jabr Al-Harbi, emphasizing its importance in contemporary literary criticism and its effectiveness in expressing the poet’s intent with greater precision. Kinetic imagery facilitates dynamic interaction between the poetic self and the surrounding entities, objects, and events. The research aims to explore all dimensions of movement—both explicit and implicit—and to uncover the factors driving its prominence in Al-Harbi’s poetry. Additionally, the study investigates the techniques employed by the poet to integrate movement and offers a detailed analysis of the types of imagery used, along with the meanings conveyed through these kinetic elements. It also delves into the linguistic aspects of kinetic imagery, illustrating how these elements diversify and expand, often carrying an inherent ambiguity. The findings reveal that Al-Harbi utilizes two primary methods to incorporate movement: the first relies on linguistic actions, while the second combines movement with natural sounds. His poetic expressions blend the physical with the abstract, with the meanings of kinetic actions varying across his work. Some actions reflect transition and change, others suggest continuity and persistence, and some convey power and intensity, among other interpretations.
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