The Impact of the Corona Pandemic on the Gifted: a case study


  • Abdelelah Al-Derweish



Corona pandemic, Organizational effects, Students’ level, Teachers’ level


This study aimed to investigate the impact of Corona pandemic on the study sample of gifted students as well as its nature and consequences. The qualitative approach was used through the case study method, whereby the data was collected through focused interviews conducted with the study participants who were three individuals: an educational supervisor, parent of gifted students, and a gifted female student. The study results were classified into three main themes: the first one included organizational effects, economic effects, effects on the implemented programs, effects on school stages, and effects on the implementing agencies. The second one was related to the effects on the human side, which included four sub-themes: effects on students, teachers, supervisors, and the family. The third theme was related to the practical aspect, and included two sub-themes the first one of which included communication, research and application skills via the Internet, and the second one included productivity for gifted students. The study concluded with a summary and a set of recommendations.


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How to Cite

Al-Derweish, A. . (2023). The Impact of the Corona Pandemic on the Gifted: a case study. Arts for Educational & Psychological Studies, 5(2), 107–132.



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