Teachers’ Attitudes toward Licensure Examination and the Available Alternatives to Teacher Evaluation


  • Khaled Bin Abdulrahman Al-Awadh




Attitude, Teacher licensure examinations, Professional license, Teacher evaluation, ETEC


The primary purpose of this study is to determine the attitudes of teachers towards the licensure examinations and the alternatives available to evaluate teachers from the perspectives of teachers and determine if there are any statistical differences between these perspectives with regard to these dependent variables: Sex, area of specialization, and the educational level of the school. A descriptive methodology was employed through which a questionnaire was developed by the researcher to measure teachers’ attitudes. 234 teachers responded to the questionnaire. The attitudes of teachers were found to be negative against these examinations. Teaching performance is best evaluated inside the classroom rather than through a paper multiple-choice test. The study concluded with a number of suggestions which included the need for all concerned parties to provide an evaluative study of the licensure test and determine its effectiveness for teachers.


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How to Cite

Al-Awadh, K. B. A. . (2023). Teachers’ Attitudes toward Licensure Examination and the Available Alternatives to Teacher Evaluation. Arts for Educational & Psychological Studies, 5(3), 48–72. https://doi.org/10.53285/artsep.v5i3.1549



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