Status of Objective-based Approach Application among Public Schools Principals in Bani Kinana Province and its Impact on School Performance development and Improvement: A Case Study of Teachers’ Perspective


  • Dr. Maisa Mohammad * * Banykhalaf



Objective-based Management Method, School Performance, Ways of Improvement.


The study aimed to identify the reality of objective-based management approach application among principals in the Beni Kenana District and its impact on developing school performance, and identify ways improve the application of this method. The quantitative descriptive approach was used.  The tool was a questionnaire consisting of three sections, administered to a sample of (379) teachers. The results showed that the reality of applying the management by objectives was high, and the impact of its application in developing school performance was a moderate. There were no differences attributed to the gender and academic qualification. There were differences based on practical experience, between (less than 5 years) and (10 years or more), in favor of (10 years or more), and between (5-10 years), and (10 years or more), in favor of (10 years or more). The most prominent ways to improve objective-based management method application was through “holding training courses related to setting objectives and evaluating achievements for school principals and teachers”, which came in first rank.


قائمة المراجع العربية والإنكليزية

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How to Cite

* Banykhalaf, D. M. M. *. (2024). Status of Objective-based Approach Application among Public Schools Principals in Bani Kinana Province and its Impact on School Performance development and Improvement: A Case Study of Teachers’ Perspective. Arts for Educational & Psychological Studies, 6(3), 141–181.

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