The Role of Community Participation in Basic Education during Crises


  • Abdulkareem A A Shamsan



Community participation, Basic education, Education during crises, volunteering


The current study aimed to identify the role of community participation in basic education during crises in Taiz city - Yemen from the perspective of some community groups. A questionnaire consisting of (4) dimensions was employed in districts of Al-Mudhaffar, Al-Qahira, and Salah during the academic year (2023-2024) on a sample of (70) individuals selected from the study population. The study adopted a descriptive-analytical approach. After analyzing the data, the study results revealed that the community groups participating in education were volunteers, civil organizations and private initiatives, school representatives, students, parents, religious scholars, educational unions and businessmen. It also found that the types of community participation included planning and implementation, cash and in-kind support, construction and maintenance, awareness-raising and psychological and moral support, teaching and training, communication and coordination, volunteering, and participation in the decision-making. The study concluded that the role of community participation in education during the crisis in Taiz, in light of the availability of minimum standards for education in crisis situations, reached 60%. The study also highlighted a number of challenges facing community participation


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How to Cite

Shamsan, A. A. A. (2023). The Role of Community Participation in Basic Education during Crises. Arts for Educational & Psychological Studies, 5(4), 306–353.



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