Educational Technology Standards Application Level by Public School Leaders in Palestine


  • Mayyasa Yousef Al-Qutob *
  • Aseel Saeed Jibrin Al-Hasanat **



Educational Technology, Technology Standards in Education, School Leadership.


 This study aimed to investigate the extent of implementing educational technology standards by public school leaders in Palestine. To achieve this objective, the descriptive analytical method was employed.  A questionnaire was developed, comprising five standards and (56) indicators: Equality and Digital Citizenship Standard (7 indicators), Vision and Strategic Plans Standard (16 indicators), Creating a Technological Culture in the School Environment Standard (9 indicators), System and Resource Design Standard (12 indicators), Continuous Professional Learning Standard (12 indicators). The study population consisted of all teachers working in public schools in the northern governorates in Palestine for the academic year 2023/2024. A sample, consisting of (214) teachers, was selected through a convenient sampling method. The study revealed that the implementation of educational technology standards by school leaders was moderate both overall and for each individual standard. The results also showed no significant differences in the extent of implementation of educational technology standards by school leaders from the teachers' perspectives based on gender, experience, or academic qualification.


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How to Cite

Al-Qutob *, M. Y., & Al-Hasanat **, A. S. J. (2024). Educational Technology Standards Application Level by Public School Leaders in Palestine. Arts for Educational & Psychological Studies, 6(4), 380–416.

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